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Trainer’s Corner – Chris Dawson – Perrin, TX
Total Earnings: $1,420,979 Chris Dawson began his journey in the Appaloosa industry and discovered cow horses at Appaloosa shows. He started seeing the Snaffle Bit Futurity in magazines and learned about the NRCHA. “It’s the only thing I’ve had a
The Cow Horse Revival Down Under
ARCHA President Aaron Scobie While reflecting with friends about the glory days of the Australian Reined Cow Horse Association, Jay Gordon hatched an idea. “I was sitting there listening to [the stories] and thinking we have a daughter and
Member Spotlight – Dr. Monica Teichert – Torrington, WY
Monica and Bella at World’s Greatest Horsewoman Photo Credit: Kristen Schurr Photography Dr. Monica Teichert started riding horses around the age of 14 while working at a race horse facility. She then transitioned to working for cow horse and
Get in The Game with Todd Bergen
RCHTO Trainer Todd Bergen Never afraid of a challenge, Todd Bergen used to show in the open classes at 15 years old to gain more experience and to raise his game. At the time, he wasn’t sure why his
Trainer’s Corner – Zane Davis – Blackfoot, ID
Total Earnings: $1,790,881 Zane Davis placed third at the 2022 World’s Greatest Horseman riding Rubys Radar. He didn’t actually start training cow horses until he was 32. Most of his background had been at the racetrack and in the rodeo
Trainer’s Corner – Luke Jones – Allerton, IA
Total Earnings: $838,739 Luke Jones grew up on a cattle ranch Allerton, Iowa. He competed in high school rodeo including cutting and he trained his own rope horses. He won numerous championships in calf and team roping and attended