Preview: Simple Fence Work Exercise.

Jake Telford shows you a fence work drill that any level of rider can do at home on their show horse’s to help fix their run, rate and turns.

  • Part 1

    Jake Telford shows you a fence work drill that any level of rider can do at home on their show horse’s to help fix their run, rate and turns, demonstrating:

    • Why it’s best to do this with your horse being fresh.
    • Why you may need to spend more time boxing before you let the cow go down the fence.
    • Remember don’t let your horse chase the cow they have to rate it.
    • What to do if your horse is not respecting your hands around the corner.
    • Your horse still has to have a sense of urgency to get to the right position but once they’re there they have to rate and not blow by,
    • If your cow comes off the fence keep rating and focus on shaping the cow.
    • What can cause you to be whistled out of the arena by the Judges.
    • When it’s okay to  get a little high on the cow down the fence.
    • When to forgo your boxing in a training session.
    • How often Jake works his Bridle horse’s down the fence.